Medical Dictionary

column of Burdach

noun column of Bur·dach \-ˈbər-dək, -ˈbr-, -ˌdäk\

Medical Definition of COLUMN OF BURDACH

Biographical Note for COLUMN OF BURDACH

Bur·dach \ˈbr-dä\ , Karl Friedrich (1776–1847), German anatomist. Burdach was a specialist in the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system, particularly the brain and spinal cord. He also delved into embryology, making studies of embryonic brains. His significant contributions to neuroanatomy were his descriptions of many of the fiber bundles of the brain and spinal cord. In 1806 he gave the first complete description of the fasciculus cuneatus, sometimes known as Burdach's column. In addition he wrote a physiology textbook.
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